HEED FM WAS BROADCAST ON 94.3FM (Greater Dublin Area only) DAB/DAB+ (Dublin and Cork only) and online internationally. 

HEED FM by Garrett Phelan was an Open Call National Project Commission for ART: 2016: The Arts Council’s celebratory programme as part of IRELAND 2016.

It was a 28-day anonymous sound broadcast portrait created through conversations with individuals and groups from all backgrounds aged 18–25 inhabiting Dublin. HEED FM took the form of an independent, temporary licensed FM radio station.

The month-long FM radio and web broadcast was a constant stream of conversation without music, advertisements, news, presenters, weather, time or jingles. It presented recordings made over an eight-month period with a generation of young people whose opinions and beliefs are rarely heard in the public domain and who lack national institutional advocacy on their behalf.

HEED FM shunned pre-conceptions and de-sensationalized this generation without judgment, giving time and voice to the ambitions, aspirations and passions of those that took part.

All conversations were facilitated by; Garrett Phelan, Michelle Kinsella, Victoria Evans and Declan Markey.


Here is a link to the official HEED FM website. HEED FM


HEED FM AUDIO ARCHIVE is the property of Garrett Phelan. Any publishing or republishing of sound/text or visual material that exists as part of any HEED FM AUDIO ARCHIVE project must be authorised and approved by the artist. © GARRETT PHELAN 

For further information email : info@heedoffice.com



Track 1: Young man talks about his love of dogs, his passions and aspirations.

Track 2: Young woman talks about aspirations of being a beautician.

Track 3: Group conversation with members of the Irish Wheelchair Association.

Track 4: 3 young people from Ballyfermot talk about the love's, their pets!

Track 5: Young woman speaks about her life in Dublin.

Track 6: Young woman does a make over on Garrett's nails and talks about beauty, what she wants to do in the future and what are her possibilities.

Track 7: Young man talks about his life in South Dublin.

Track 8: Two young men talk about their life in Ballyfermot, pets, job opportunities, photography, etc.

Track 9: Conversation surrounding life and disability held at the monthly Irish Wheelchair Association disco.

Track 10: Young woman talks about her busy life in college, her internship in London and aspiration to be a journalist broadcaster.

Track 11: Young man talks about his love and passion for Arsenal FC.

Track 12: In conversation with our friends at the Irish Wheelchair Association.

Track 13: Field recording with a young man from Ballyfermot of walking through his neighbourhood with his German Shepherd dog and bumping into some of his friends with their American Johnson Bulldog..

Track 14: Young women from the Dyslexia Association of Ireland discuss their challenges with Dyslexia in the work place and their hopes for the future.

Track 15: Group of young men from Ballyfermot engage in a workshop with Garrett and Declan to create a brand identity for their submission to Dublin City Council for a site for Horse Stables and A Motor Cross track.

Track 16: Three young women from the Dyslexia Association of Ireland discuss their interests and issues concerning learning difficulties.

Track 17: Rap, history of music, poetry, writing. A young man from Ballymun in conversation with Michelle and Garrett about his influences and motivations.

Track 18: In conversation with a group of young musicians and film makers from Foróige, Tallaght, Co.Dublin.

Track 19: Three young women talk about friendship, working, religious beliefs, discrimintation and their future.

Track 20: Two young women discuss learning difficulties, re-entering the education system as mature students and what they look forward to in their futures.

Track 21: A young woman from Ballyfermot talks about studying and working towards employment in the world beauticians.

Track 22: A group of young men from Ballymun, Dublin, discuss; Creativity, Music, Film, Employment, inspiration and how to inspire people.

Track 24: Open, revealing, powerful and humorous conversation with members of the Irish Wheelchair Association where they describe their dreams for the future and personal anecdotes of disability.

Track 25: Members of REHAB group discuss the culinary course they are working on; MMA fighting, music and film making.

Track 26: Young man from Sherrif St talks about his passion of Dublin Gaelic Football team, photography, growing up in the city centre, discrimination and his desire to work in broadcasting.

Track 27: Two young woman from Dublin's inner city, talk about importance of community, local history, growing up in the city, discrimination and how the media portray the area so badly. They talk about their desires for the future, art and employment possibilities.

Track 28: Young man from Ballymun,Dublin, speaks about discrimination through graphic location, accent, ethnic origin. He also discusses his passion for travel and his hopes for future employment.

Track 29: Young rapper from Ballymun, Dublin discusses his passion for Bohemians football club, music, his preparation for his final pre college exams and raps!

Track 30: A young group from YOUTHREACH, Swords, Co. Dublin discuss looking at Public Art throughout Dublin City, tattoos, their interests in religion and superstition.

Track 31: A group from Foróige, Tallaght, Co.Dublin, talks about their experiences living in Dublin.

Track 32: Young man from Tallaght discusses his passion for film making.

Track 33: Young man in conversation discusses his passion for acting.

Track 34: Young man speaks about his learning experience with Foróige in Tallaght, Anime, being a youth volunteer and his prospects for the future.

Track 35: Young man from Dublin City Centre talks about his life with drugs, mental health, his religious belief system, sport and his new life goals for the future.

Track 36: A Venezuelan Dublin based young man discussed his religious belief system, Dublin and being a migrant based here.

Track 37: Discussion with a large group from REHAB. They discuss mental health issues, their favourite things to do in life ranging from going for walk to horse riding and throwing Discus, their passions and interests.

Track 38: In conversation with a young man from Dublin City Centre who discusses what its like living in the city centre, access to education, tattoos, coffee and his ambition to set up his own coffee shop.

Track 39: Young man discusses his views on the marriage referendum, access to education, faith and many other subjects.

Track 40: Young man from Ballymun talks about his musical influences, his interest in speaking new languages and hopes of passing his exams and getting a job.

Track 41: Group discussion with members of youth group Foróige discussing, materialism, employment skills and job opportunities, the film industry, class inequality and more.

Track 42: Field recording of young men from the Ballyfermot Horsepower project. The field recording is of a photoshoot workshop with Garrett where the horses and bikes were photographed as part of a branding exercise in Cherry Orchard, to be used as part of their proposal to Dublin City Council.

Track 43: Young woman discusses Dyslexia, 90's music, how she relates to then landscape, birdwatching and more.

Track 44: Young woman talks about living in Dublin compared to life in the country, architectural plans for her ideal home, desire to be an architect and difficulties in coping with Dyslexia in third level education.

Track 45: Young northside Dublin man talks about performing in public of the first time, spirituality, meditation, mental health, fitness, his involvement with Hackathons, being inspired and following Arsenal.

Track 46: Young man talks about preparing for his final exams, keeping fit, going to the gym, reading poetry, Shakespear and working towards joining the army.

Track 47: A large group of young people from the north county Dublin discuss religion, self care, sculpture and tattoos.

Track 48: Two young women discuss work experience, chronic headaches, blogging and over coming mental health issues.

Track 49: Young woman from IWA talks about, training courses, computer skills, and being a member of the Comhairle na nÓg, (Youth Council).

Track 50: Young woman from IWA talks about self worth, self confidence, importance of friendship, pain management, taking up boxing, going out dancing.

Track 51: Group of young people from Foróige, South Dublin talk about eating cake, survival skills, not being a minor, receiving exam results, studying acting and much more.

Track 52: Two young men from Sheriff Street, Dublin, talk about living in the city center and their passions such as boxing, football and rap.

Track 53: Two young women from Sheriff St, Dublin in conversation discuss being youth workers, making art, friendship, spirituality, Allah (aka Alan) and folklore.

Track 54: A young man and a young man discuss music, MMA fighting, creativity, going to college and the world of social media.

Track 55: Young politicians discuss what it is to be Irish from a Cultural point of view, the civil service, voting, politics, rich versus poor and much more.

Track 56: Young woman discusses music, Orange is the new black, Game of Thrones, film making and visiting art galleries.

Track 57: Young man discusses his passion for guitars, music, gaming music and the possibility of opening up his own music shop.

Track 58: Young woman discuss her passion for rap music and being a rapper.

Track 59: You man and woman discuss, martial arts, jiu jitsu, religion, fitness, vegetarianism and more.

Track 60: Young man discusses boxing, accents and what is important about community.

Track 61: Young woman discusses freedom, her passion for writing, racism, spirituality and religion and ancient civilisations.

Track 62: Young man discusses being Irish, politics, law, education and gender conditioning.

Track 63: A group of young people discuss where they live, art, TV and more.

Track 64: Young migrant discusses religion.

Track 65: Young Ghanaian man in conversation about Ghanaaian history and his time here in Ireland.

Track 66: Group of young aspiring politicians discuss cultural identity and what or who inspires them.

Track 67: Young woman discusses, dealing and overcoming illness, travelling to China, the possibility of being a social worker, playing GAA and more.

Track 68: A young group from South County Dublin, discuss, music, creativity, having something to say, sexism in the music industry, etc.

Track 69: Inspirational conversation with a young man who discusses Hip-Hop, producing and releasing his own music, travelling and his life living with depersonalisation.

Track 70: Group from Dublin City Centre discuss their passions, Music, The Legal System, Football and being a paramedic.

Track 71: Young man talks about meeting the President of Ireland, his interest in becoming a mechanic and dealing with education and difficulty in getting employment.

Track 72: Young man and woman talk about politics, left wing ideology, being sight impaired and being a foreign national living in Ireland.

Track 73: Young woman talks about animation, mixed education and more.

Track 74: Young people talk about living in the inner city, Ringsend, divisions in the city, food, discrimination in the workplace.

Track 75: Conversation with young people discussing life after secondary school, ambitions for the future, making life changing decisions and how they party.

Track 76: Conversation with group of young women talking about, GAA, teaching and travelling.

Track 77: Young migrants discuss finding paradise, setting goals, learning languages and more.

Track 78: Young group of migrants debate, food, football, rugby and cricket.

Track 79: Young group of migrants converse about self belief, hard work, sport and speaking and retaining first languages.

Track 80: Young woman discusses studying english literature, music, icons, writing and creativity.

Track 81: Young woman from IWA discusses her interest in broadcast production and technology, her passion around song writing and her ambition to be a sound engineer.

Track 82: Young woman from the IWA discusses her experiences of how she overcomes discrimination on public transport in Dublin City as a result of using a wheelchair.

Track 83: Young woman from IWA talks about doing work experience writing, job prospects and how she copes with independence and disability.

Track 84: Young woman discusses her in interest in Psychology, love of cats, living with Asbergers and how she is looking forward to attending Trinity College Dublin.

Track 85: Young man discusses his passion for music, rapping, song writing, how music helps him turn negatives into positives and his understanding of superstitions.

Track 86: Young woman discusses her writing and contribution to HEED FM's poster campaign.

Track 87: Young German woman living in Irelands talks about her life back in Germany, music, Irish Mysticism, Celtic Culture, what it means to belong somewhere, being German and much more.

Track 88: Young people from South Dublin, discuss their passions. Fish, geese, growing up on farms, graffiti, music and ambitions.

Track 89: Young man from The Congo discusses religion, Mathematical science, The Jesuit order, how he was educated, living in Ireland as a migrant and future ambitions.

Track 90: Young men from Dublin City Centre talk about discrimination and access to third level education, studying sociology and law and how they can affect change.

Track 91: Young politicians describe and discuss contemporary cultural identity, the Irish language, how they connect with contemporary youth and who inspires them.

Track 92: Two young people talk about Mathematics, Scouting, Belly Dancing, Irish Literature and much more.

Track 93: Group of young people from South Dublin discuss social media, the media, how it represents human issues and how actual engagement is more meaningful.

Track 94: Young group of people from West Dublin talk about church and values, music, worldly music and sing songs for us.